Tag Archives: Food Bank

Help Feed Hope | Fight Hunger

13 Mar

For Christmas Tj got me a gift card to Skillshare so I signed up for a few hand lettering classes I had on my wish list. I finally got around to watching the lessons for Mary Kate McDevitt’s second hand lettering class. She has two, the first one teaches how to create effective hand lettered designs. The second focuses on the digital aspect of creating a cohesive design with hand lettering,texture, and color.

I applied her tips to a shirt I’m working on at work for the food bank. This time I created a new page every time I did a massive tweak of the file just so I could see the progress. It’s pretty fun to see how it evolves.


At first, I went with three colors. I hand lettered the fork and spoon and the message. I liked the idea of a place setting. However, I felt that the green was too stark and thought the design could handle being reduced to two colors. This also helped on the screen printing side of things. I also felt that the words were too contained in the “plate”.


I brought the lettering out of the plate. At this point I started to experiment with texture and created some using stamp pads and pens.

I also lost the weird block at the bottom and brought in some flourishes to create a charger look around the plate. I added the texture I created. We decided the message needed to be more elaborate so I added some more lettering and flourishes to really solidify the charger idea.

I’m happy with the final outcome and I’m thankful for taking the class. It’s always helpful to see the process of other designers to learn new tricks and freshen up. If you’re interested in taking that or any other class for the first time, click here for a $10 discount.